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Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Gemstone trend and Pantone 2024

Gemstone trend and Pantone 2024

In the color landscape of 2024, Pantone's sophisticated "Peach Fuzz" proves to be an unparalleled inspiration for a selection of precious gems. It is "a delicate, velvety shade of peach," which in the company's classification has the code 13-1023. "Peach Fuzz" is the expression in English for the fuzz of the fruit as well as the almost imperceptible facial fuzz.Pantone explains that this color "captures our desire to nourish ourselves and others" and knows how to "enrich the body, mind and soul." Gems that shine in these shades include Padparadscha, Morganite, Rose Quartz, and Pink Coral.

Padparadscha is the variety of corundum distinguished by its mesmeric combination of pink and peach, whose name in Sanskrit evokes the Lotus Flower. Its rarity, combined with the color of the moment, makes it a prized choice, a symbol of elegance and charm.

Morganite, a gemstone discovered in 1910 in Madagascar and belonging to the beryl family, rises as a gem of rare beauty with its peach-pink hue. Its crystalline transparency and play of reflections give jewellery with Morganite a timeless elegance.

Rose Quartz, a gemstone used since ancient times by Mesopotamian civilizations and associated with love, is a fascinating gemological choice for lovers of classical beauty. Rose Quartz is a translucent semi-precious gemstone that owes color and transparency to manganese, aluminum and phosphorus, which originate shades depending on the percentage of each element.

Pink Coral, a symbol of marine life, joins this chromatic dance with its warm, enveloping hue. In its pink variant, Coral is known as Magai or Bokè in Japan and Pelle d'Angelo in Italy, and is fished in Japan and Taiwan at depths between 150 and 300 meters, gilding it as a precious gift of the sea.

These gems are true works of art that translate the delicacy of "Peach Fuzz" into extraordinary jewellery creations in a magical marriage of Mother Nature's art and contemporary art.

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