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Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Claudia Piaserico is the new president of Confindustria-Federorafi

Claudia Piaserico is the new president of Confindustria-Federorafi

"I will choose a group of colleagues with different and complementary skills, experiences and characteristics because we are a very varied sector, and none of us can think of knowing it completely, in all its aspects".

The words of Claudia Piaserico, the new designated national president of Confindustria-Federorafi. Born in Vicenza, 48 years old, outgoing vice president, she was unanimously elected by the council meeting in Arezzo in honour of the former president Ivana Ciabatti. Piaserico then becomes the third consecutive female president, after Licia Mattioli - the first woman after 65 years under the leadership of men - and Ciabatti herself.

The new president finds a sector in a complex situation. Companies have suffered, but they have also been able to react by seizing the opportunities that the situation offered, changing distribution methods, and aiming for digitization. "There is a need to communicate more because the Made in Italy brand, in the jewellery sector, must be consolidated and strengthened so that it is synonymous with a guarantee of quality".

Regarding her return to Vicenza, she comments: “It is a great pride, and I hope to strengthen relations and collaboration with Ieg, which is organizing the main trade fair in the sector in Vicenza.

After all, I already have an excellent relationship with Marco Carniello. I like to think that it is a plus also for the city, whose history has been linked to gold for centuries. For this result, I have to thank my colleagues from Vicenza, who strongly supported me, as the Cazzola family and CEO Diego Nardin have always done in Fope too”.

Speaking of IEG and vicenzaoro, Piaserico further underlines the need for a "new normality" in which fairs will give a signal of an effective recovery. There will be the opportunity to promote in Italy and abroad a product such as jewellery which, however beautiful and clear an image may be, needs to be touched and seen live to convey emotion.

In recent months, even though relationships have been maintained thanks to digital technology, the human relationship with customers has been lacking.

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