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Thursday, 07 April 2022

Jewellery for the bride: how and which ones to choose

Jewellery for the bride: how and which ones to choose

Choosing the right jewel capable of enhancing the wedding dress and knowing when to accessorize and how to do it well are essential issues. In this case, the watchwords are "simplicity" and "elegance".

Taking up the quote from the style guru Coco Chanel "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance". Wearing lots of jewels together is never a good idea: you risk not enhancing any of them and making the look noisy. Better to focus on simplicity: a single light point, for example, or a pair of precious earrings are a much more refined alternative.

The shape of the face and body is fundamental in the choice of the jewel: teardrop earrings are good for those with a triangular face to soften the shapes, the more marked features can be softened with mini jewels. Sautoir necklaces enhance small breasts, while those with a more shapely body can opt for shorter necklaces.

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