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Monday, 21 December 2020

ITA Trade & Investment Agency launches The Extraordinary Italian Jewellery

ITA Trade & Investment Agency launches The Extraordinary Italian Jewellery

Launched at the end of December 2020, The Extraordinary Italian Jewelry is a project created by the ITA Agency and primarily intended for the US market.

It is a virtual showroom created to display the most important traits of Italian goldsmith production. It focuses on Companies and stylistic trends, but it also gives space to information on industrial districts and news on the sector.

The export of Made in Italy jewellery, valued $ 1.54 billion in 2019, is among the most important sector in the country, with the United States playing the role of one of the most important trading partners, representing the third destination for Italian jewellery distribution with a market share of 8.9%.

The Extraordinary Italian Jewellery pays a tribute to the excellence of Italian entrepreneurship thanks to an interactive portal accomplished thanks to the cooperation with Confindustria Federorafi.
The project was born mainly to support users in discovering the most innovative products and companies in the sector but also to catch the attention of North American commercial operators.
To date, 60 Italian companies that produce 100% Made in Italy jewellery have joined, representing the various Italian district production sites.

Among the sections of the site, Discover allows you to take a virtual tour in the main Italian gold districts to discover the world of Made in Italy jewellery, while Brands represents the showcase of companies with individual profiles, images, videos and innovative 3D images. Trends is the section dedicated to the trends of Italian jewellery, in terms of design, materials, and functionality, and finally in News, you may find the most relevant news and updates on Italian Jewellery.

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