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Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Nuovi Gioielli, exclusive, different and designer

Nuovi Gioielli, exclusive, different and designer

Ring-sculptures in gold, pearls, coloured stones and diamonds that obtain their bewitching intensity from sophisticated and irresistible design. These are just some of the creations by Nuovi Gioielli, a brand that will be exhibiting in the Creation area at Vicenzaoro September. In fact, with many years’ experience in the processing and creation of jewellery, the company located in Mussolente (Vicenza) operates by elegantly balancing flexibility, feasibility, reaction to change and curiosity.

Nuovi Gioielli was founded in 1985, when the owners lent their knowledge and passion for jewellery to realizing a dream. After over 30 years of activity, in perfect balance between tradition, innovation, research and development, gold, colour and diamonds dominate in Nuovi Gioielli creations. Exclusive design makes every item unique and business continuity is guaranteed by the professionalism with which new challenges, in respect of the strictest Made in Italy, are faced. In fact, Nuovi Gioielli has invested in people as well as in technology, aiming at uniqueness and originality. The collections on display are designed for those in search of something exclusive and different in which skill, design and precision are the product’s fundamental elements.

The new entries at Vicenzaoro September include Rouches, a 3D Multi Jet Printing technique specifically for producing quality prototypes with extraordinary precision. A collection made by combining the new MJP technology with the most classic Casting technology, the result of study and experimentation with traditional techniques and innovative processes.

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