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Thursday, 08 March 2018

The fundamental role of gemmology in contemporary jewellery

The fundamental role of gemmology in contemporary jewellery

Knowing how to recognize the purity of precious stones, their uniqueness and shine, is now one of the most highly sought after talents in the gold and jewellery industry.
In fact, the professional figure of the gemmologist, also in light of the increased demand for certification and sustainability, has become fundamental for the sector's companies, especially in terms of dealing with competition from Asian countries through products bearing high standard traceability and quality certification.

According to IGI, Italian Gemmological Institute, in recent years, the number of enrolments on gemmology courses has grown by 20%, with an increase also in demand from companies and banks that are looking to hire diamond experts. At its branches in Milan, Rome and Valenza, IGI runs professional course and ensures a significant selection at the end. Participants include many geology and economy graduates, often the children of jewellery entrepreneurs.

Vocational schools are tasked with teaching the students to identify the materials, the treatments applied to improve the stones and the synthetic components so that nowadays, the role of the gemmologist is not limited exclusively to quality control. In fact, these professionals either perform an authentic commercial and trading activity for companies or act as external consultants in the discovery of the most valuable stones in India or South America.
Recognizing pure stones is becoming increasingly more difficult because gems undergo so many treatments and now the gemmology profession is one of the most requested by recruiters.

Furthermore, this high professional qualification provides a solid base for those who want to start up a business in the jewellery world. In fact, a large number of gemmologists who qualified at IGI went on to found their own brand specialized in the production of jewellery with highly valuable stones, thus uniting entrepreneurship, creativity, ancient knowledge and high quality to the search for jewellery perfection.

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