The Goldsmith District is born, sole interlocutor of the Campania Region
The D.OR. Campania was established as a network of enterprises on 23 April 2024 thanks to the support granted by the Campania Region pursuant to Article 24 of the Regional Stability Law for 2024, number 24 of 28 December 2023. The promoters were Il Tarì scpa, Oromare promogest srl and the Consorzio Antico Borgo Orefici. Confindustria Caserta, Fedepreziosi Campania - Confcommercio and Assocoral are in the working group thanks to a shared memorandum of understanding.
Each reality, characterised by a strong identity based on craftsmanship of excellence, puts its skills and resources at the service of the entire supply chain. Together with them, represented by Federpreziosi, there is the retail world that in Campania, with over 1400 sales outlets, is worth 15% of all national goldsmith retail.
The birth of the D.OR. Campania, which becomes the Region's sole interlocutor on the sector's development issues and innovation opportunities, comes at the culmination of a path shared by all the players in the gold and jewellery supply chain. The first important milestone was the convening of the round table - promoted in February 2024 by the Department of Productive Activities, Labour, and State Property - for the creation of a hub capable of supporting, also through the provision of grants, the creation of networks between companies and the valorisation of excellence made in Campania. The common objective is to give impetus and unity to the gold and jewellery sector in Campania in all its facets by enhancing the activities already present in the three poles of Naples, Marcianise and Torre del Greco, the training system characterised by the centres of excellence of the Tarì Design School, 'la Bulla' (Borgo Orefici) and Istituto Degni in Torre del Greco, and the dense network of jewellery shops throughout the region.
It is precisely training that is one of the lines of development that will be indicated through a detailed feasibility plan. D.OR. Campania will boost scholarships for attending courses for goldsmiths and sessions in the managerial and organisational sphere, aimed at creating, among others, the figure of the District Innovation Manager. The production sector has internationalisation as its objective: Campania is now the fifth region in Italy in terms of the number of companies (mostly concentrated in Naples and Caserta), and is seventh in terms of export value, amounting to approximately EUR 36.1 million, with an increase in exports in the last quarter of 2023 of 5%. To foster internationalisation, communication strategies that enhance brand identity are also needed, through advanced digital tools including the use of AI. Space will also be given to the relaunch of tourism in the Borgo Orefici and Torre del Greco. The relaunch of retail will go hand in hand with the strengthening of the production and service identity of the Marcianise, Tarì and Oromare clusters. The spotlight will also be on sustainability, the circular economy and innovation, through the creation of an Innovation Hub for the benefit of all players in the supply chain.