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Monday, 08 April 2024

Investing in Gems: Navigating the Market for Collectors

Investing in Gems: Navigating the Market for Collectors

Gems have fascinated humanity for centuries with their intrinsic beauty and enduring value. But investing in gems goes beyond mere aesthetic appreciation; it is also a unique investment opportunity.

There are many reasons why gems can be considered an investment.

First, natural gems -unlike synthetic gems -are a tangible resource that has proven to hold its value over time, even during periods of economic instability. This makes them a diversified form of investment that can provide a hedge against inflation and stock market fluctuations, mitigating the overall risk of their portfolio.

Christie's reported incredible success in the luxury segment in 2023, totaling $1 billion. Highlights include the auction of the extremely pure fancy vivid blue diamond weighing 17.61 carats, which sold in November in Geneva for $44 million. This was not the only outstanding result in 2023; in June, a record for a colored stone was broken at Sotheby's with the Estrela de Fura, a 55.22-carat ruby from Mozambique, which sold for $34.8 million. However, it is important to note that these exceptional peaks do not fully reflect the complexity of the gem market.

In addition, special attention must be paid to the quality of gems purchased. It is crucial to understand that there are significant variations in their values in relation to their qualities considering multiple aspects. It is therefore of great importance to consult experts and ensure that any gem and/or jewelry, even if signed, is accompanied by a reliable gemological certificate.

With a well-thought-out strategy and turning to professionals, investing in gems is a fascinating avenue for collectors and investors seeking alternative opportunities. In addition to their financial value, gems offer a unique sensory experience and can enrich the lives of those who own them.

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