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Wednesday, 10 July 2024

The Charm of Fancy Diamonds: A Focus on Eden Rose

The Charm of Fancy Diamonds: A Focus on Eden Rose

Fancy diamonds, with their vivid hues and unique characteristics, continue to amaze and fascinate collectors and jewellery enthusiasts the world over. Different from classic colourless diamonds, Fancy diamonds are distinguished by a range of striking colours, each with its own story and charm.                          

An extraordinary example of a Fancy diamond is the Eden Rose, a 10.20-carat gem that recently caught the attention of experts and enthusiasts during the ‘Magnificent Jewels’ auction at Christie's Rockefeller Center in New York. Featuring a round brilliance and a rare deep pink Fancy colour, the Eden Rose sold for $13.3 million last June, significantly exceeding its initial estimate.                          

The Eden Rose is a rare Type IIa specimen, known for its exceptional purity and lack of secondary colouring. The intense pink hue of this gemstone comes from extreme geological pressures that have shaped the stone over billions of years. This rare combination of colour and clarity makes the diamond not only aesthetically stunning but also incredibly valuable. Rahul Kadakia, Internationa⁸l Head of Jewelry at Christie's, pointed out that the round cut, normally used for colourless diamonds, has here emphasised the vividness of the pink colour, making it an exceptional piece of its kind.                          

Fancy diamonds owe their spectacular colours to traces of chemical elements or structural distortions. For example, blue diamonds contain boron, while yellow diamonds are influenced by nitrogen. The colours vary in intensity and hue, with degrees of saturation ranging from ‘Faint’ to ‘Fancy Vivid’, where the most saturated colours are often the most desirable and valuable.                          

The global participation in the Eden Rose auction, with bids from the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East, demonstrated a strong demand for rare and unique gems.                          

Fancy diamonds represent a perfect meeting of nature and art, offering a range of colours that add a touch of uniqueness and value to their owners. The record sale of the Eden Rose underlines not only its intrinsic value but also the universal appeal of these rare gems, which continue to capture the imagination of collectors and enthusiasts worldwide.

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