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Tuesday, 15 October 2024

The Revival of Art Deco Jewellery

The Revival of Art Deco Jewellery

Geometric lines, elegance, and symmetry define Art Deco jewellery, which is experiencing a notable revival. The vibrant hues of gemstones contrast with metal and diamond details, creating a perfect balance. Art Deco is once again shining, with an elegance that never goes out of style.

This unique style, born during the Jazz Age of the 1920s and '30s, stands out for its clean lines, geometric shapes, and symmetry, but above all for its ability to highlight colored gemstones. Art Deco represents a moment when design fused with innovation and creativity. In the style of that era, colored gemstones were often used to create fascinating and surprising contrasts, paired with precious metals like platinum and white gold.

Contemporary designers and brands are reinterpreting this style, using new materials such as titanium and ceramics, blending tradition with innovation and creating high-impact designs.

The intense tones of these gemstones create a perfect contrast with modern materials, enhancing the elegance and richness typical of Art Deco.

Emeralds, with their deep green hue, symbolized renewal and freshness, often set in jewellery with sharp, bold lines, frequently contrasted with black enamel and ceramics. Diamonds, in rectangular, square, or even fancy cuts, shine embraced by metal, enamelled or with coloured finishes. Sapphires and tourmalines, with their shades of blue, pink, and green, added a touch of sophistication, used in both men's and women's jewellery, reflecting the idea of universal elegance.

The revival of Art Deco jewellery is much more than just a trend; it is a movement that celebrates the timeless beauty and refinement of coloured gemstones. This return to the 1920s and '30s, with its attention to detail and geometric elegance, confirms that the enduring appeal of Art Deco lies in its ability to adapt to modern times while maintaining its iconic style.

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