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CORRADI SpA: 118 years of excellence
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CORRADI SpA: 118 years of excellence

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The company, founded in 1910, will be at T.Gold with some of its top quality products for the sector, like saws for jewellers that make fluid, clean and fast cuts

Starrag Vuadens presents Bumotec s210
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Starrag Vuadens presents Bumotec s210

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

The machine from the Bumotec series will be a main feature at the Show in a demonstration of a ring being processed, satinized, polished and engraved all at the same time

TOPCAST presents its TIP vacuum furnaces
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TOPCAST presents its TIP vacuum furnaces

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Patented and designed to produce any size of ingot, these furnaces are the new proposal from the casting machine company leader

Zone Creative debuts “Tubo Flex”
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Zone Creative debuts “Tubo Flex”

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

The Arezzo company will present a new machine designed to automatically produce non-welded tubing in noble metal at the Show

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