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Thursday, 03 March 2022

The new Novagum rotary oven

The new Novagum rotary oven

Novagum, a leading company in the production of ovens and machinery for the goldsmith world, presents the brand new oven for baking two-level molds with call for casting cylinders as a world preview at T. Gold.

Compared to its classic version, the new machine has a double load capacity, a non-deformable rotary table with very high performance, an excellent quality of construction materials, a safe door with easy opening for the operator, a completely renewed software, a bidirectional Lan module with remote assistance and an international warrantee.

The Novagum company is also strongly geared towards protecting the environment and saving.

The new oven, in fact, is not only equipped with an inclined collection surface that allows the wax to be recovered in a special drawer and to reduce total emissions, but also with an innovative software that manages the use of the energy needed to reach the required temperatures.

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