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Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Artificial Intelligence allows to speed up the diamonds trading

Artificial Intelligence allows to speed up the diamonds trading

The number of diamonds purchased online is on the rise but consumers who find themselves making purchasing decisions based on photographs and certifications may find it difficult to know what to choose when evaluating purely the visual quality of an image.

These considerations have led to the new Ringo tool which, based on specific needs, uses artificial intelligence to support consumers in buying diamonds online. The innovative system was created by The Diamond Pro, a website that offers a wide range of impartial information to help potential diamond buyers make more informed buying decisions.

«Ringo puts the consumers’ mind at ease when buying diamonds from online retailers by ensuring that the gemstone they choose will actually look just as it claims,» explains Mike Fried, CEO of The Diamond Pro.

Here's how it works: the tool asks buyers for their preferences in terms of diamond shape, budget, setting style and material type, then uses an algorithm based on a set of rules developed by The Diamond Pro experts and an artificial intelligence engine to present a variety of optimal proposals, along with an assessment that includes a picture of the diamond, the cost, purity percentage, color and fluorescence ratings. A foolproof and reliable method to avoid unpleasant and costly surprises.

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