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Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Hero products by de’ Nobili

Hero products by de’ Nobili

Hero Products refer to those iconic creations by a company that is able to take them “to the top” and make them stand out on the market. A historic company like de' Nobili, founded in 1943, boasts more than one “hero” considering the many collections that have accompanied its evolutionary path for years. With two boutiques in the center of Naples - in Via Filangieri and in the Vomero district – the company has made a name for itself throughout Italy and beyond.

Take, for example, the band ring from the Polvere di Stelle collection and the Owl ring, which, since the year of its debut in 1988, has “taken flight” on the hands of women with an eye for detail and always in search of unique and original jewellery.

The Medieval Collection, of which many pieces have become veritable best sellers, dates back to the early 1990s. Particularly distinctive is the “shield” ring in satin-finished gold, both in the snake version and with the unusual jujube flower.

The design of all these creations often takes its cue from a “historical” background and is updated from time to time to better adapt to evolving trends and ensure greater wearability, thus acquiring renewed freshness and the added value of a timeless object intended for everyday use.

Fashion jewellery but with the added bonus of a handcrafted objects in silver and rose gold, combined with light brown diamonds and semi-precious stones that become designer “paintings” inspired by the beauty and colors of nature and art to offer a final result with all the flavor of Made in Italy.

Product and company content translated into innovative omni-channel communication campaigns, highly customized to each retailer, to give a clear and well-defined message that is able to transmit all the subtleties of the de' Nobili world to the end customer.

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