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Friday, 03 June 2022

Jewellery with a taste of the sea

Jewellery with a taste of the sea

Minimal and sophisticated or eccentric and multi-colored, all inspired by the sea and its incredible natural forms: the jewelry for summer 2022 is either decorated with shells and bright corals or reproduces, in its precious profiles, the likenesses of seahorses and starfish, or the movement of the waves - hypnotic when they follow the currents in the open sea, impetuous when they break on rocky shores.

A trend that, when declined in the workings of high jewelry, encases a romantic and noble soul, while embodying an ironic and jaunty spirit in the designs conceived to accompany us on a daily basis. From the mini works of art by Alessio Boschi and Faith Jewels to the graceful proposals by DoDo and Yvonne Léon...

Antonella Reina, Editor VO+

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