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Tuesday, 03 October 2023

A Taste of the sea

A Taste of the sea

At this time of year, the sea has faded to memory for many of us, but its energy and freedom-evoking power and nature come back to life in jewellery that is perfect for wearing on Fall days. Jewellery with extraordinary features that repropose the shapes of sea creatures or the colors of seascapes. Made in 18-carat gold with black ceramic and diamonds, Miseno's “Sea Leaf” ring is part of the iconic “Foglia Di Mare” collection, in which the brand magnificently immortalizes the flexibility of natural elements that belong on the seabed. In a particularly original bracelet, Tagliamonte has engraved the outlines of shells and seahorses on its famous glass paste. In the “Coral” collection, Palmiero's realism makes room for the abstract representation of sea corals through irregular shapes and curves: a tribute to nature and the kingdom of corals, authentic jewels of the sea, which, in their various guises, are becoming increasingly rare.

Antonella Reina, Editor VO+

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