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Tuesday, 30 January 2024

New wave ‘made in France’

New wave ‘made in France’

Quality, artisan traditional and refined aesthetics have always been the codes of a style renowned throughout the world, closely linked to the great maisons of Place Vendôme. This style continues to evolve today thanks to the work of contemporary designers devoted to promoting made in France excellence by constantly nourishing it with fervid and experimental creativity.

A new wave of jewellery has therefore arisen, characterized by original design, unconventional materials and rare precious stones, exuding an exclusive sense of balance and harmony. Like the jewels from Maison Oscar Massin, which renews the legacy of its founder, a visionary 19th-century grand joaillier, with collections inspired by his most iconic designs, in particular his metal lacework and his highly refined and imaginative sensitivity.

200 years after its establishment, Maison Vever is also introducing a new vision of jewelry: recycled gold, lab-grown diamonds and plique-à-jour enamel skillfully combine manufacturing skills and human genius. Lastly, Rosa Maïtea is an ethical, 100% traceable jewelry brand whose every single creation embodies all the essence of color by gracefully combining garnet, blue spinel, spessartite with citrus tones, rhodolite and diamond.

Antonella Reina, Editor VO+

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