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Tuesday, 07 November 2023

Shades of gold

Shades of gold

Yellow, white and pink gold? While the monochromatic choice was a must in the past, nowadays the world of jewellery has legitimized this must with fluid proposals, in which the colors of the noble metal par excellence are mixed, always with a careful eye to elegance and balance.

The latest proposals by Salvini, Diamani and Fope teach us this.

Salvini's rings in pink, yellow and white gold, part of the new Eva collection inspired by the figure of the snake, a symbol of transformation, have a scale pattern and can be stacked on a single finger, creating a versatile yet innovative style.

With the same criterion, Damiani's creations, which make up the Belle Époque Reel collection, reveal a contemporary concept of visual creativity through the dynamism of gold declined in three different shades.

The customizable Flex'it rings in Fope's Panorama You collection take the concept of #EverydayLuxury to a whole new level due to gold and diamond letters with which to compose a personal combination of colors and washers.

Antonella Reina, Editor VO+

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