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Thursday, 30 April 2020

THE TALK: Emotions Will Save Us

THE TALK: Emotions Will Save Us

What worries you most about what will happen with Phase 2?
For a brand like ours it is necessary to travel, in order to show and make the product known in person, and the fear is that the virus, now also propagated abroad, may block interim the possibility of moving. Not only. We have been facing such a rapid and drastic change, not only in terms of business and production, but also of consumers. The production activities are currently at a standstill and therefore we are dedicating ourselves to the reorganization of the working structure in view of the restart. In the meantime, we are continuing to take orders on the ready goods, which we can only ship once we are back to work. Smart working is proving useful and effective also to guarantee continuous assistance to our distributors, who are constantly working by creating different types of online shopping experiences and home deliveries to respond to customer requests. I think the world of jewelry is more than ever ready for online sales, and these weeks are an important test. Jewelry is seen as an art and art as beauty. As people say, beauty will save us and continue to create emotions both for those who can wear it and for those who create it.

For a company, each new collection is a new challenge, concerning both commercial and communication, especially now ...
The creation of new collections is still going on from home and we are revealing even more the essence of our work, including the manual part, which is very fascinating and which we previously tried to conceal within the company. What matters now is keeping up the "hype" of our followers and customers, through communication and direct exploration of the Palmiero world, precisely through virtual costumer experiences.

How has communication changed in recent weeks?
We are facing a pandemic, therefore a global problem. My vision is and wants to be proactive, and what I find positive is that Covid19 and the crisis have strengthened the idea of "society", of sharing, bringing out a strong need for change, at all levels, to create a new future, maybe in some cases starting from scratch. Of course, the desire to "make a group" and to give growing voice to the "community", for example through sharing via social networks, is an aspect that has grown increasingly during this period and has allowed the comparison between companies and consumers, with a general search for reorganization and improvement. Some companies have preferred to adopt social distance, while others, especially those in the luxury sector, persist in revealing their presence constantly, probably with the aim of conveying a message: we are still here, and we are not giving up. Which is what we are trying to do as well.

A comment on Cura Italia decree?
No comment, we are waiting for Italy to amaze us.

Interview by Federica Frosini, Editor in Chief VO+
Interview by Lorenza Scalisi, Senior Editor VO+
Interview by Antonella Reina, Editor VO+

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