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Monday, 26 October 2020

Lover's Knot: the iconic royal tiara

Lover's Knot: the iconic royal tiara

Lover's Knot, or love knot: this is the name given to the wonderful tiara worn by Lady D and which now shines on Kate Middleton's head.

A masterpiece that originally belonged to Queen Mary and later to Elizabeth II. Her story begins with Mary who commissioned the court jewelers Garrard & Co to create a tiara inspired by the one with pearls that belonged to Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel, her grandmother.

In order to manufacture it, the Queen provided pearls and diamonds in her possession, and indicated that the pearls should also adorn the top, recalling the tiara which inspired her, even if she then had them removed, leaving the model we know today, in perfect French neoclassical style embellished with 19 oriental pearls suspended between love knots, each with an important central diamond.

From Mary the tiara passed on to Elizabeth II and later to Lady D, who had in mind to wear it on the occasion of her wedding with Prince Charles in 1981, but eventually opted for the family Spencer tiara. However, it remained among Diana’s most loved jewels, who wore it on several occasions and then returned it, after her divorce, to Queen Elizabeth who had it kept in a safe for many years.

Until the arrival of Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, who wore it for the first time during a diplomatic reception in 2015 and then in many other events, combined with earrings with diamond and sapphire fringes or an ice blue dress signed by Alexander McQueen.

Over two centuries of history for a jewel that makes you dream and that is inspired by the knots of time and love that the Queens have created and dissolved over the years, embracing those who preceded them: a jewel born in the past with the hope for beauty, tradition and strength for the future.

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