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Monday, 24 July 2023

The Debut of Piero Milano's Goa Rainbow Collection

The Debut of Piero Milano's Goa Rainbow Collection

Launched at Couture 2023, the trade show that recently ended in Las Vegas, Goa Rainbow is the new collection by Piero Milano with which the brand is re-proposing the timeless style of its Goa collection, whose flexible and precious character, the result of artisanal manufacture combined with the use of sophisticated technologies, has led it to become iconic.

Fresh and captivating, the new Goa Rainbow retains the characteristics of the original collection - a light titanium core encased in a skillfully crafted gold profile - but is “dressed” in energized positivity due to three different color combinations: pink, blue and rainbow. The result is a series of unique jewellery items that reflect the Italian manufacturing tradition with unprecedented contemporary codes in order to adapt to the constantly evolving tastes of those who have always chosen to wear a Piero Milano jewel.

«The Couture show has always been an excellent showcase for us to launch new collections: this year the Goa Rainbow collection made its debut,» the brand explained. «The balance of the recently ended last edition is undoubtedly positive and we recorded decidedly winning performances. It was an important opportunity to consolidate customer relations and establish our presence in America, the number one market in terms of development and investment.»

Antonella Reina, Editor VO+

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